Tuesday, April 5, 2011

To Answer the Question...

Why was Levi hiding in the van??

Many of you who read my last post have asked me (and members of my family) how Levi got to be in the van and why he was hiding there.

While typing out that post I started to include the reason, but thought I would spare him possible embarrassment. (Love covers a multitude of sins =0] )

But since it has become an 'issue' I will give a brief explanation.

Levi is experiencing, what we like to call, 'growing pains'. He never had the 'terrible two's' like most children do. Instead, we are now dealing with the 'furious fours'. 'Furious', because, well, he's just mad about a lot of things right now.

He's mad because 'Mommy said so'.
... and because 'You just have to.'
...but he just 'Doesn't want to'.

So there have been lots of 'discussions' and 'attitude adjustments' going on lately.

What happened last Wednesday was just another manifestation of the 'furious fours'. 'Mommy said so', he 'didn't want to'.... so he hid in the van.

It was a very deliberate way of saying to mommy, "Not only do I not want to, I will not, therefore I will hide in the van and stay quiet when you call my name... at least until I get board." (which if you remember lasted about 30 terrifying minutes)

Although it was intentional, I don't believe he fully understood what he was doing. He didn't realize that I would assume the very worst had happened to him or that I would almost call the police or that I would end up collapsing on the floor after he had been found.

He simply was trying to prove a point to me.

Unfortunately for him, I then had to prove a very important point. And I did.

Unfortunately for me, he is still trying to process that point. (yesterday I caught him crawling into a cabinet after I told him to do something he didn't want to do) So, it continues...

But it's a process for all of us, isn't it? We are all the same in this journey called life. We all have a common struggle called sin. We all have a need for a Redeemer. And we all must go through a process even after we are His.

It is a long, difficult process.

Thankfully, our Father isn't one to collapse or faint or panic or cry out in exasperation. He is long suffering... His love endures forever... and He will never forsake us.

So as I deal with my son's waywardness and disobedience, I am forced to deal with my own. It is probably one of the most uncomfortable tasks I have ever faced. Because I am constantly being reminded of my own sin. Thankfully the Way has been provided for us. And we don't have to be perfect. Because He was.

What a truly wonderful thought!

1 comment:

jesse said...

You are just the right mom for Levi! (and Olivia and Deacon) Hang in there. It is so good to see God showing you (and your readers through you) lessons we might not otherwise see about our own sin, the blackness of our own hearts, not just our kid's hearts. Thanks for being honest!