Thursday, November 4, 2010

Ukraine Update

I didn't really know what I was signing up for when I said, "Sure, God, I'll go..." But do we ever know all of the details and bumps in the road ahead of time?? If we did, I'm sure we'd say no.

When I went to my session to ask for prayer and financial support for this trip I quickly realized I had no idea what I was doing. And mid-way through the meeting I thought I'd let them know that fact, in case they hadn't already figured that out. They had.

The next day I got a call from my associate pastor, who thankfully is a good friend. Because, although he was very gracious to me, he basically said, girl you are a mess, you need to get it together! If he had been anyone else I would have had a very nice pity party for myself, tears and all. But instead of leaving me to flounder all by myself, he said he'd help me. He did.

The administration side of a mission trip totally overwhelms me. I am the type of person that no matter how hard I try, I can not balance my check book or pay the bills on time. In fact, since we're talking about it, I'm just now realizing it's the 4th and I haven't paid the rent. Oops. So organizing something like this that has no previous formula or model to follow, well let's just say, is totally and completely beyond me. But thankfully I have people like John and my s-i-l Amy to help me with all of that. And thankfully I have a God who loves me just the way I am, but doesn't want to leave me that way. I am being stretched and grown in ways I never expected. I am.

That brings me to today. The two big things on the agenda this week were: to settle on a "sending agent" and to finish our prayer cards. Never did I expect either of these to be so emtionally charged or so incredibly time consuming.... to say the least. But they were and I'm glad it's settled. Michelle talked with some missionary friends in Vinnitsa, Ukraine this morning. Her and her husband already have a ministry established that is run out of California. I wont bore you with details, b/c believe me we'd both be in tears. So to avoid a very long story, they have agreed to be our "sending agent." And the thing I like most about this, is it's called Heart of Ukraine Ministries. How appropriate.

We were also able to get our prayers cards printed today thanks to the wonderful people at St. Helena's Episcopla Church. I also have to give a shout out to my friend Kristy, who hooked me up! Thanks, girl. We finally have those to hand out. Yeah! So beware the next time I see you, I will make you take one home and hang it on your refridgerator. I will.

I would love to go on about all the ways I have been encouraged by people today. I woke up early this morning and spent some time in prayer. I ended by saying, God I just need to hear from you today. I did.


twiggy@thedirtlife said...

it's all such good news isn't it? you may have heard from God today, but so did i. and what i heard was that Ukraine needs this glad you're going, so jealous that i'm not. you have my support from here.

Zoe said...

I hope I run into you soon - I want a prayer card for my fridge! :)
So exciting to see God at work in all of this.