Thursday, June 21, 2012

Some Bad Advice

Not sure if any of you are Reader's Digest fans. We are. We enjoy the occasional mindless reading on a fourth grade level. And the information you can glean, not to mention the funnies, well... you just don't know what you're missing!

As I was flipping through the little magazine this past weekend I came across something that made me stop, laugh and then read out loud to Dustin in disbelief.

He laughed too, rolled his eyes and shrugged his shoulders. Should we really be surprised anymore?

I know you are dying to know what it was that we read, so here it is:

Wacky Health Tips That Work

1) Eat Sugar, Act Sweeter: University of Kentucky researchers found that people who drank a glass of sugar-sweetened lemonade acted less aggressively than people who had the same drink with a sugar substitute. Self-control takes a lot of energy, and the glucose may help give your brain the fuel it needs to hold back hostility and be more positive. But instead of binging on sweets, stick to a balanced diet to avoid blood sugar spikes and dips.

2) Curse to Kill Pain: You'll feel better if you let loose with some profanity after you whack your funny bone. U.K. researchers found that participants who repeated a swear word could keep their hands in freezing water longer than those who repeated a non-curse word. One caveat: The trick works better if you're not a regular potty mouth!

3) Make Important Decisions When You (Really) Gotta Go: People with full bladders may be better at making big decisions, according to a Dutch study. If you show self-control in terms of a bodily function (such as going to the bathroom), you're more likely to show self-control in decision making, holding out for a long-term reward instead of jumping on an impulse.

Yes, quite wacky I know. But what's even wackier is that there are actual people sitting behind desks thinking of these ridiculous things to research!

While reading these crazy 'tips' I was reminded of some of the words of wisdom I heard repeated over and over at a local homeschool conference I attended a couple of weekends ago. They were such a good reminder to me to keep going and to not get discouraged in the crazy life as a homeschool mom of (now) 4.

It's easy to compare our lives and children with those around us and get discouraged or even scared when things don't quite match up. I know I do this. Academically, spiritually, behaviorally, etc.

I need to be reminded that we are supposed to look different because we are doing things differently! Not better. Just different. And that each and every child is sososooo different! Why force them all through the same mold?

It would be silly for us to look to the 'world' (anything outside of God's way) for advice, encouragement or even practical how to's. I think Reader's Digest proves this point! Not that God can't use anything, but He wants to encourage us primarily through His Word and by those who are like minded in His ways - not Dr. Phil. (sorry Dr. Phil fans)

We are headed into homeschool year #3. It's the first year that I haven't dissolved into tears at the thought of it. Maybe the 3rd year's a charm...?

I pray God continues to hold us up and to grant wisdom. Parenting/homeschooling is such a tough job. I need all the help we can get.

Maybe I should load up on some sugar. I feel my energy (and sweetness) level waning...

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