Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What's in a Name?

I am now the proud Mama of two little calico kittens. We adopted them on Monday from the Jasper Animal Rescue Mission in Ridgeland. What fun it has been! They are 4 month old sisters and are just the sweetest things!

I haven't had a cat since we had to give Hobbes back to my parents when Olivia was a baby. He wasn't very, uh, careful with my baby and had to go!

We have all (well, except Dustin) been wanting a little someone to hold. I told DQ that it was either another baby or kittens - he said to hurry and get that cats!

So now they are here and adjusting well. But we are having a big problem with naming them. There are so many cute 'pair names' out there. It's hard to decide!!!

I would love to get some feed back from ya'll. Maybe you will pick the winner!

Here are some cute ones that we like:

Peanut and Butter
Cinnamon and Sugar
Ruth and Naomi
Lucy and Ethel
Sissy and Sissa - what my mom and aunt are called
Liza and Lorna - Judy Garland's daughters names
Molly and Polly
Lily and Rosy
Anne and Diana - is there really an explanation needed?
Mona and Lisa
Laverne and Shirley
Garden and Eden
Mary and Poppins

and since I have been typing the kids have suggested

Christmas and Carol
Christmas and Present
Fly and Ing  ... yeah, we are really getting into this name pair thing!

Thanks for the help! Oh! and here are some pics to help you help us!



Alexandra G. Smith said...

aww so sweet! I say Lucy and Ethel! or Mona and Lisa. but all the names are really cute!

Zoe said...

another vote for Lucy and Ethel! Kittens are so much fun.

Kelly said...

of course Mom would pick Lucy and Ethel too!

maria said...

Lucy and Ethel for sure!!! so cute!!!!

twiggy@thedirtlife said...

ha. i kinda like christmas and carol. go figure.

Mikal Qualls said...

Ok, we thought of a new one that Livie really likes. What about Peeka and Boo??

Cassandra/By His Grace, said...

I like different so, I vote Peeka and Boo.
Enjoy the newest members to the Qualls family.

jesse said...

Peanut and Butter. We really like Anne and Diana but somehow they don't seem like spunky kitten names. By the way sorry you missed it, Fidget and I had an Anne of Green Gables party last week!