Saturday, August 25, 2012

Weekend Getaway

Last summer Dustin and I began dreaming of how we would celebrate our 10th anniversary. We hadn't done anything too exciting together in a long while, so we eagerly anticipated this excuse to do something big!
Little did we know just how big things would turn out!
David Judah was born just seven days before our 10 year mile marker! Not so great timing for a cruise or a trip to the Bahamas! But we still enjoyed a nice dinner to a local favorite on the day with baby Judah as a tag along. We didn't mind. Can you believe we didn't take a single picture? I think we were both in a sleep deprived state.
Well, to 'make up for it' we decided to go away for the weekend just a few weeks ago. It had been ages since we had done that and we needed it.
We had the hardest time decided what we wanted to do. We are pretty boring people, not too adventurous. But we finally figured out one thing we like to do together besides eat. And that is hunt for antiques! And we did just that.
We went to a tiny little town upstate SC and stayed at a B&B where they are famous for their breakfast AND antique shops. A perfect fit! Here are some snap shots of our weekend getaway...

The Main house of the B&B. This is where we had our breakfast. It was just a few minutes stroll from our little cottage. 

Our first night there we enjoyed looking around our quaint little cottage and a wonderful meal at a German restaurant, Oskars. They seriously had the best grits EVER!  We even attempted some frog legs, something neither of us had ever tried before. They were a weird combination of fish and fried chicken, quite yummy!

The next morning we got up bright and early (thanks Judah) and headed down for our much anticipated breakfast. Not only was it scrumptious (my mouth is watering) it was beautiful, which I loved and so appreciated. It's always been a dream of mine to have a B&B, so as to have an excuse to use fine china for breakfast every morning! I was jotting down notes the whole trip!

After our amazing breakfast, we began our hunt for treasurer's. We had a whole list of places throughout several different surrounding towns but ended up only making it to three places all within walking distance of where we stayed. It was so much fun. These are a few of our finds!

Our second morning, we enjoyed a nice stroll through their well manicured paths and another wonderful breakfast. Judah wasn't so thrilled about it (although you can't tell from the above picture!) so Daddy took him out on the front porch so that he wouldn't disturb the other guests and so that Mommy could finish her breakfast (and his!). I love that picture of them through the foggy glass from where I was sitting. He's such a good daddy.
It was a great time away, but not nearly long enough! We hope to do it again soon. And can you believe we still didn't get our picture together! Oh well. Maybe next year!


jk said...

So glad that y'all were able to do this. Looks like you had a wonderful time. :-) Love and miss you!

Kelly said...

I REALLY love the picture of Dustin and Judah...looks professional....Glad you had time away!

twiggy@thedirtlife said...

"...besides eat." that made me laugh, and i feel you on that one. sometimes hunter and i get so bored we just eat something to pass the time.

loved reading all about this. miss you all the time!